
Showing posts from 2021

Once Upon a Time, Shame Lived Here

"Shame derives its power from being unspeakable... if we cultivate enough awareness about shame, to name it and speak to it, we've basically cut it off at the knees." Brene Brown  Shame (noun): a feeling of sorrow, regret, disgust, or guilt as a result of something done  Shame (verb): to cause someone to feel inadequate and ashamed of self by way of action or word Shame: A b*tch  It's that silent thing we carry and don't talk about because God forbid they know what really happened. God forbid all your skeletons take off that which you've covered them in and bear themselves for all to see. It's the thing that keeps us up at night, replaying every scenario in our head-- questioning what we could have done to make it all right. It makes us our own martyr-- because God forbid we put the weight down, would we even be the same people?  Sometimes we carry shame subconsciously, forgetting its roots until something or someone does something that triggers us into

On Healing. On Journeying Home to Self.

I know there’s beauty in fullness I know we get excited about the power of the full moon The beauty of fully bloomed roses But there’s no fullness if we don’t journey the other stages— no honor for cheating yourself of the journey phases.~ Brittany K.W., 01/03/2021 Healing : the journey to becoming grounded and healthy Shadow work : becoming aware of your hidden wounds and intentionally healing those aspects Healing isn't pretty. It's not linear. It's tiring. It's different every day-- some days are inactive. It is a journey that nobody ever asks for, but it is necessary. Why? Because unhealed (hurt) people go around hurting people-- intentionally and unintentionally-- and then, that person has to journey healing before they repeat that cycle on somebody else. Therefore, you have to do the work.  A little secret for you: When you hurt others, you hurt yourself. You hurt somebody you are connected to, and in return-- even if you don't see it-- you end up hurting your

Be Here. Be Now.

And  then your final days come And you’ll realize you spent so much time trying to reconcile your past  --wishing it’d come back to you Wondering about a future that was never promised to you Only to ignore the present which was screaming out to you Waiting to be honored Loved   Appreciated   & lived wasted.~ Brittany K.W., 06/01/2021 What if I told you the past happened like it did to cultivate a way for tomorrow to happen the way it should?  Does that include the pain and hurt because there's no way that that was supposed to happen? Yes, it includes the pain, disappointment, hurt, grief-- all of it. Might it have not been preferred? Of course, but there's a lesson in everything. A reason for everything. All of it-- the good, bad, hurt, disappointment, joy, everything-- was necessary for you to arrive in this present moment.  In grammar we learn about three main tenses-- past, present and future. Past : no longer here; gone Present : right here, right now Future: not her

What Do You Really Want?

Today, I made a choice A choice to leave you be As much as loving you has healed my heart It’s broken it too   And I don’t want to feel like I’m doing too much Asking for too much Thinking too much Reaching out too much no answer. ~Brittany. K.W., 02/03/2021 We break our own hearts, sometimes, and we blame it on other people for what they did or did not do. Pointing the finger elsewhere is easy, especially when things come to an end, but pointing the finger at yourself and identifying where you messed up... baby, that's not easy. What's harder than having to accept responsibility in a heartbreaking ending? Realizing that you messed up at the beginning. Realizing that somebody told you what it is and what it ain't at the beginning. Realizing you never communicated your expectations and boundaries, so now you're here mad at someone who didn't even know what you wanted. Worse than that? Realizing that you wasted so much energy and time doing things they never asked of

On Journeying Grief

  “To be loving is to be open to grief, to be touched by sorrow, even sorrow that is udending.”- Bell Hooks There are two things for certain when one is born into this world: you will experience life and you will experience death. One of the two is part of the other, but we grow up learning that they are two separate entities and the latter is something to fear. So we spend our lives running away from death because it’s supposed to be this terrible thing. We fear it for ourselves just as much as we fear the death of those we love. And we often focus on the death of our human existence, but death comes in the form of relationships and experiences, too. No matter what form of death arrives at your door, it arrives with a companion that we have come to know as grief. And this grief also arrives when we lose other things like friendships, relationships, jobs, belongings and experiences.  Grief is defined as deep emotional and mental distress due to loss or regret ( Dictionary) . It’s said

The In Between Phases

A poem for you... the one who is journeying what we know to be healing. We honor our phases the way we do that of the moon We announce when we feel empty and unseen like the new moon We announce when we’ve overcome obstacles and are filled with all things great and powerful like the full moon We give so much energy and power to these two phases And while they’re deserving of being spoken about... What about your crescent moon phase? You know...the days when you worked so hard to keep going even though-- suicide was a thought depression was a religion and hopelessness was a state of mind -- and they all started to show above ground, spilling out for others to see Yet you still showed up for the day Leaving yesterday behind and working hard for a better tomorrow What about this phase?   What about the quarter moon phase? You know when you’ve finally identified your purpose and passion, but you don’t know where to begin You finally have the drive to get up in the morning and show some for

Light is Off.

I’m not a temporary home For the feelings that slowly escape out her back door I’m a permanent home Where mortgage is paid in sure choices So if you don’t know where you want to stay for sure Pack your shit and leave through the front door I’ll turn off the porch light behind you . go.~Brittany K.W., 11/26/20  We find comfort in holding on to that which we've experienced-- we attach to what we know. In attaching to such things, be it good or bad, we knowingly play a role in repeating cycles. Often times, these cycles show up in our relationships. Today, I am talking about romantic relationships, and I'll touch on parental.  Why not friendships? For some reason, we often hold our friends more accountable for their actions than we do our lovers and parents. We're quick to correct friends, or leave friendships, when we don't like something that was said or how something played out. We don't extend as much grace. We don't nurture the bonds in that realm as much. We