
Showing posts from 2020

Waiting or Weighting

  Wait on Wait for   Wait up Wait with Wait... Weight on Weight for Weight with Weigh down Weight... You. The weight of you.  why.wait(weight)~ Brittany K.W., 10/25/2020 George Costanza: What happened? Something must've happened. Gwen: It's not you it's me. George Costanza: You're giving me the, "it's not you, it's me" routine? I invented it's not you it's me. Nobody tells me it's them not me. If it's anybody it's me. It looks different each time doesn't it? The journey of waiting for someone to show up for you the way you show up for them. Sometimes it looks like them going ghost out of the blue-- no warning or preparation. They just go without you. Sometimes they start acting different-- ignoring the established love language, playing target practice with your spirit and feelings with their words or actions without warrant, breaking all the promises and agreements made. Other times it will look like a long essay (by text or wr

The Color I Am

If you were an element of Earth I’d deem you to be water It's in the way your love runs deep Crashing ashore Breaking down levees of trauma   And watering where it hurts The way your love seeps into the narrow pathways like rivers Finding its way upstream   Defying the odds and gravity Just to be able to say you tried You find reason to love even when you’ve been polluted Nourishing the secretive roots of beings that nobody else sees You feed...   Darling, you satisfy their thirst You are more than enough   Lovers go into dehydration on the withdrawal of your supply of love You’re the type of love one only experiences once in a lifetime And I love how you transform yourself How you’ve learned to expand yourself and your love to be as wide as the ocean But also how to withhold from overflowing when one is undeserving Still leaving behind some love to nourish them in your absence Of all the colors you could be You are Blue. Brittany K.W., 10/20/2020 In his book The

You Cannot Fix People

You were told you had everything you needed within Power Ability Resilience Light Purpose But somehow you keep falling short when it comes to love You couldn’t stitch them back together Put all the broken pieces in their place Rearrange things to make space... For you Ego. Ego will have you thinking you’re God Have you thinking you can fix humans Because you can’t fathom meeting them where they stand Your role is to love them. As they are. Support them as they heal their own scars. But you don’t like this deck of cards.   You always say “that’s not in the job description” So why are you trying to play a role beyond your position? ~Brittany K.W., 10/13/2020 Recently I was conversing with one of my sister friends about our experiences with love in adulthood, and if I could sum it up, it's highly ghetto. Her and I have always had a soul connection, but the similarities in the complexity of our experiences with love is scary. If you asked us two weeks ago, we'd tell

Should I Go

If I've learned anything It’s that I don’t have time to procrastinate Leaving something behind for my children To hold on to   To be proud of To build on Today is yesterday’s tomorrow And even that came quickly And today's tomorrow isn’t promised So today... I’ll start building   And even if I only lay down a stone I hope that’s a solid start for a foundation of a legacy my babies will one day call their own   should.i.go~ Brittany K.W., 09/24/2020 For some time, in typical me-fashion, I stopped writing. I don't have a said reason for it happening. Maybe everything in life felt like it was going well. Maybe I was too happy. Maybe I existed in some fantasy. However, here we are again-- on the porch of the space I call home. In my writing have I been set free. In my writing have I released all that has been building up inside of me. In this space will I lay my heart. In this space will I speak up. In this space will I leave something behind for my babies-- of my womb and not