Should I Go

If I've learned anything

It’s that I don’t have time to procrastinate

Leaving something behind for my children

To hold on to 

To be proud of

To build on

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow

And even that came quickly

And today's tomorrow isn’t promised

So today... I’ll start building 

And even if I only lay down a stone

I hope that’s a solid start for a foundation of a legacy my babies will one day call their own 

should.i.go~ Brittany K.W., 09/24/2020

For some time, in typical me-fashion, I stopped writing. I don't have a said reason for it happening. Maybe everything in life felt like it was going well. Maybe I was too happy. Maybe I existed in some fantasy. However, here we are again-- on the porch of the space I call home. In my writing have I been set free. In my writing have I released all that has been building up inside of me.

In this space will I lay my heart. In this space will I speak up. In this space will I leave something behind for my babies-- of my womb and not so. In this space will I fertilize ground for women. In this space will I make room for me.

Earlier this week, three officers walked away without charges in the case for Breonna Taylor's murder. One of the three officers was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment in the case of a wall in Ms. Taylor's apartment and an adjacent neighbor who had bullets enter their apartment. The justice system spoke its piece, and it said that the lives of Black women were of less value than the drywall that our beds rest up against. It said that no matter how gentle and particular we are, we are still a threat-- still deserving of unjustified death. As any Black woman does, I'm certain Breonna had dreams that were within reach that are now only mere memories for those who knew and loved her best. For me the mere robbery of her life and dreams in a matter of seconds caused my procrastination of starting to cease. 

So here we are. In this space. If I should leave my children with anything other than money, I want to leave them my written words to hold onto. I want to leave them a space of healing. I want to leave their momma's heart on a canvas for them to be in awe of and build upon. Should we ever be robbed of face to face conversation, even with my Earthly presence, I want them to have a foundation to stand on and conversations and poems to refer to when the bravery of their spine won't permit them to ask me questions I feared asking my own mother. 

I hope you're willing to journey with me. I promise you intention and consistency, lines worth quoting and poems, some laughs, some cries, some crazy personal stories, a lot of healing, a lot of life, a lot of love, and most of all, a lot of freedom. 

Talk to you soon. xo- Britt 🌹

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