
Showing posts from 2022

On the Run...

  Why do you do that? Run. From love. Hide. From your shadow.  Attach. To people who only love your surface. Deny. That you want more.  Doubt. That you are worthy of more. The very things that are good for you you run from. Why do you do that? on the run~ Brittany K.W., 08/14/2022 It's hard, you know... accepting love that's unfamiliar. Accepting good love when all you've known is  care . Finding yourself worthy of love when all you know is how to be used and abused in the name of love. Wanting love when the "love" you knew hurt-- starting with the love of your mother/father. Then, one day, good love shows up. Not asking anything of you but to accept it, and you throw it away because it requires more of you. You ghost it because ghosting doesn't require growing. It doesn't require communicating your feelings or reason for running. It leaves room for the cycle to keep cycling-- recycling the hurt, the neglect, the carelessness-- but this time you add someon

Love Is...

I just want to relax your nervous system Remind you that better days are coming That God hasn't forgotten you That love has not disregarded you That there is still purpose in you That there is still light shining from within you That I will never get tired of being good for you Being good to you Can I help you sort your luggage? Throw somethings out that you've been holding onto Fitting your temporary baggage into a carry-on Making it easier for you to carry on... can I?~ Brittany K.W., 07/28/2022 a moment. platonic. sexual. romantic.  When we meet people, we have this habit of creating an idea in our minds of who they are going to be to us. In a matter of moments, we cultivate a reality of them remaining a stranger, becoming a friend or evolving into a lover. That's our human nature. Rarely do we wonder who we will be to others during this first encounter-- how we will be to them, how we will be of purpose to them. And more often than not, in this pursuit of assumption ove

I left the church & found God...

 "There are years that ask questions and years that answer." ~ Zora Neale Hurtson That's my favorite quote of all time... a gem from Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God.  In the last two years, I have learned and unlearned, given and received, accepted and released, loved and lost in love amongst so many other things. I've asked questions that have gone unanswered. Most of all, I've changed. And there has been so much peace in transitioning and gratitude for the gifts it continues to bring.  In March 2020, everything shifted. Life as we knew it became a thing of the past. We went from working in the office to working from home. We went from hugs to distant waves from in the car as we drove by to say "Happy Birthday." We went from dancing the night away under the lights in the club or at brunch to finding out which one of our favorite DJs were doing a live on instagram or facebook and FaceTiming our tribes to watch it together. We went from going t

Something You Could Be Proud Of

 "There are three things that I will ever ask of you in this space:        1. Don't curse me out, or I will curse you out.       2. Always try.       3. Always bet on yourself." ~Ms. Webb, M.S., CCC-SLP, TSSLD, October 2021, Bronx, NY Those were the words I told my kids during my first week at my dream school. To you I may be a poet, your favorite blogger, sister, cousin, auntie, girlfriend, or your new favorite doula, but during the day, I am a speech-language pathologist at an all boys high school in The Bronx-- the South Bronx to be exact. And to my babies, I have become home. Stepping into that building on my first day was a full circle moment. My family is rooted in the South Bronx. My great-aunt lives five minutes away from my school in the apartment my mother used to play in, in the projects where she and her siblings used to make family out of the neighbors and kids in the park.  I always said all I ever wanted to do was work in a low-income community with childre

Habari yako? How are you?

Have you been healing? Have you eaten today? Has my love reached you, even in the distance? Did you ever find the right outfit to wear... To walk to your living room couch or… For 9am zoom calls with little purpose For a FaceTime call with your distant relatives For therapy For .... check-in~Brittany K.W., 01/12/2022 Hey Beloved. How are you? I know it's been a while since we've gathered in this space. It's also, probably, been a while since somebody has genuinely asked you, "How are you?" These days encounters look more like: Other: Hey You: Hey, how are you? Other: I'm fine. Are you v-xxed? You: Yes or no. Other: *screws up face* Oh, well I think you should... I think everybody should get back to loving. Get back to living. Get back to being decent people-- you know humanity, community, tribes and all that jazz. These past two years have been one hell of a shieeetttt show if I can say so myself. And while I'm sure, at first, we all loved working from hom