Habari yako? How are you?

Have you been healing?
Have you eaten today?
Has my love reached you, even in the distance?
Did you ever find the right outfit to wear...

To walk to your living room couch or…

For 9am zoom calls with little purpose
For a FaceTime call with your distant relatives
For therapy
For ....

check-in~Brittany K.W., 01/12/2022

Hey Beloved. How are you? I know it's been a while since we've gathered in this space. It's also, probably, been a while since somebody has genuinely asked you, "How are you?" These days encounters look more like:

Other: Hey
You: Hey, how are you?
Other: I'm fine. Are you v-xxed?
You: Yes or no.
Other: *screws up face* Oh, well I think you should...

I think everybody should get back to loving. Get back to living. Get back to being decent people-- you know humanity, community, tribes and all that jazz. These past two years have been one hell of a shieeetttt show if I can say so myself. And while I'm sure, at first, we all loved working from home, creating new recipes, and dancing to our favorite DJ's night time set on instagram, in our silk robes with our favorite wine or liquor of choice and Mary rolled with rose petals in hand... we lost so much in the fire. 

Family. Friends. Love. Time... Normalcy. 

We don't know how to see people as people anymore. We see them as question marks. 
We don't get to see the beautiful faces of strangers anymore. We see their eyes, and maybe their nose if the mask is on tilt.
We don't get to make our own decisions anymore. Them people down in D.C. are running a circus, and our local governments keep trying to take away our freedom to decide for ourselves. 
We don't get to hold each other the way we once did. We ask that question first, and everything thereafter is dependent on that.

I hate it so much. 
I miss my kind of love-- giving and receiving.
I miss community. We have allowed them to divide us into so many different directions, and some of us are too blind to see it.  We don't even realize how much we have lost in two years-- we've lost some much that we cannot fathom to recognize. After all the years we spent planting, watering, caring for, and cultivating community... in one moment, the world as we knew it-- community as we knew it-- changed, and no matter how much we desire for it to go back to how it once was, it never will. Who knew one news cast could shake everybody's whole world, and I mean everybody. 

We are all scarred-- whether we know it or not. This whole p(l)andemic has caused an irreversible shift in the way we think, move, interact... love. 

People I love have hurt me the most for decisions I've made based on my intuition. I've seen people I love go against themselves because of fear. I've heard people I love speak against me because they couldn't understand how I can be so "risky." I've seen "fearless" people become "fear-filled." I've seen it all. Read it all. Heard it all. And it all breaks my heart.

Yet and still, somehow, we've made it to this moment, and for that I am grateful. And while some much is shifting, falling apart (to come back together) and changing, somethings will always stay the same.

-Freedom is still attainable-- we just have to revamp community. Find your role within and lay it right. AND UNIFY.
-Healing is necessary-- it's ongoing, and it is okay to need support. Trauma is real. Shadow work is realer.
-We ALL need therapy-- ain't a gahdamn thing wrong with it. Stop letting the church tell you otherwise.
-God is in the darkness, as well as the light. In the valley and the mountaintop. In the certainty and the wilderness. 
-Faith and fear cannot coexist. Intuition is not a question. 
-"Love is the passion that allows us to do the right thing."

So Beloved, I don't know what you have lost in the fire, but I hope that what remains is worth holding onto. I hope you've spent these last two years redefining what a good life looks like for you. I pray you've been healing. I pray you have been intentional about how you have taken up space in time. I pray you've planted and watered some seeds. I pray you have gotten closer to your God. I hope you've prayed more than you have complained. In all of this, I hope 2022 is your year of miracles, realized dreams and breakthroughs. Above all, I hope we heal, individually and as a collective.  

So, now that we've gotten all of that out of the way: how are you? Like how are you really doing? How's your head? How's your spirit? How's your heart? Where does it hurt? 

I promised you we were going to heal and journey to freedom together. So, if you're willing, do tell how you're feeling. My inbox is open to you. 

Until next time, I leave you with the words of one of my favorite songs of all time:

"I've had some good days
I've had some hills to climb
I've had some weary days
And some sleepless nights
But when I, when I look around
And I think things over
All of my good days
Outweigh my bad days
I, I won't complain." 

 I love you.  Take your vitamins. Drink your tea. Rest in high favor. Take care.

Talk to you soon. xo- Britt 🌹

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