On Healing. On Journeying Home to Self.
I know there’s beauty in fullness I know we get excited about the power of the full moon The beauty of fully bloomed roses But there’s no fullness if we don’t journey the other stages— no honor for cheating yourself of the journey phases.~ Brittany K.W., 01/03/2021 Healing : the journey to becoming grounded and healthy Shadow work : becoming aware of your hidden wounds and intentionally healing those aspects Healing isn't pretty. It's not linear. It's tiring. It's different every day-- some days are inactive. It is a journey that nobody ever asks for, but it is necessary. Why? Because unhealed (hurt) people go around hurting people-- intentionally and unintentionally-- and then, that person has to journey healing before they repeat that cycle on somebody else. Therefore, you have to do the work. A little secret for you: When you hurt others, you hurt yourself. You hurt somebody you are connected to, and in return-- even if you don't see it-- you end up hurting your...