The Color I Am
If you were an element of Earth I’d deem you to be water It's in the way your love runs deep Crashing ashore Breaking down levees of trauma And watering where it hurts The way your love seeps into the narrow pathways like rivers Finding its way upstream Defying the odds and gravity Just to be able to say you tried You find reason to love even when you’ve been polluted Nourishing the secretive roots of beings that nobody else sees You feed... Darling, you satisfy their thirst You are more than enough Lovers go into dehydration on the withdrawal of your supply of love You’re the type of love one only experiences once in a lifetime And I love how you transform yourself How you’ve learned to expand yourself and your love to be as wide as the ocean But also how to withhold from overflowing when one is undeserving Still leaving behind some love to nourish them in your absence Of all the colors you could be You are Blue. Brittany K.W., 10/20/2...