
Showing posts from May, 2021

What Do You Really Want?

Today, I made a choice A choice to leave you be As much as loving you has healed my heart It’s broken it too   And I don’t want to feel like I’m doing too much Asking for too much Thinking too much Reaching out too much no answer. ~Brittany. K.W., 02/03/2021 We break our own hearts, sometimes, and we blame it on other people for what they did or did not do. Pointing the finger elsewhere is easy, especially when things come to an end, but pointing the finger at yourself and identifying where you messed up... baby, that's not easy. What's harder than having to accept responsibility in a heartbreaking ending? Realizing that you messed up at the beginning. Realizing that somebody told you what it is and what it ain't at the beginning. Realizing you never communicated your expectations and boundaries, so now you're here mad at someone who didn't even know what you wanted. Worse than that? Realizing that you wasted so much energy and time doing things they never asked of